Bryning Prime Time
Locheil Time Moves On X Bryning Little Lorikeet

Registrations: KC
Colour: Blue and White
Date of Birth: 11th March 2007
Eye Tested: Goniodysgenesis Unaffected, CEA/PRA/PLL clear 22.05.09
CEA/CH DNA status: genetically normal
TNS DNA status: tested 'carrier'
Hip Score: 6:5
Colour genes carried: ??
I think it's fairly obvious that I am a big fan of Bond. :))
Eabha (pronounced 'Eva') is from the second litter I've had by him and we already have two of his daughters in the form of Dottie and Dazzle. She is such a lovely pup, as the litter were growing I just kept getting drawn back to her, I'm very interested to see how she turns out.
Eabha attended her first Champ show at just 6 months and 2 days old, coming 2nd in her class and qualifying for both Crufts and BCCGB Pup of the Year 2009. She is turning into a really lovely young dog, she has a super temperament, is very keen and biddable with plenty of drive but also quite sensible and thoughtful; once she knows what you want she will try her very best for you, she reminds me very much of her 'Big Sis' Teal
Eabha is currently living with my good friends Andy and Samantha James.

Show Results
Darlington Champ Show 13th September 2008
Judge - Mrs S Large (Wizaland)
2nd in Minor Puppy Bitch
**Qualified for Crufts 2009
**Qualified for BCCGB Pup of the Year 2009
Judges' Critique - 'little bl/w girl, just 6 months but what a lovely baby, everything in the right place & so neat on the move, should have a bright future'

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