Locheil Crazy Chic at Bryning
Locheil Time Moves On X Tamarsh Chicago Hope at Locheil

Dottie is a really wonderful character, fiercly independant since day one - she is VERY forward and outgoing, loud, pushy, brash and an awful lot of fun!
Dot has had considerable success in the showring with only limited outings, including a reserve CC under breed specialist judge Toni Jackson but her real passion is her flyball...she absolutely loves it and is proving to be a very useful little dog running fast and consistent times. Dot regularly runs in our top team, she also competed in the 2009 and 2010 European Flyball Championships. In her short career she has already achieved her Advanced status, Silver and Gold Awards while also managing to fit in rearing a couple of litters of puppies! She's a real little superstar.
Visit our Flyball Team website to see more of Dot in action.
Registrations: KC (stud book number)
Colour: Black Tricolour
Date of Birth: 28th June 2005
Eye Tested: CEA/cPRA/PLL clear 27th Feb 2007
Goniodysgensis Tested: Unaffected 22.05.09
CEA/CH DNA status: genetically normal
CL DNA status: genetically normal
TNS DNA tested: 'clear'
Hip Score: 3:2
Colour genes carried: dilute

Show Results
A video of Dottie moving in the ring...

Four and half months old...

Dottie at 8 weeks old

...maybe we should have called her Becks!!!!
Dottie at 4 weeks old

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©2010 Bryning Border Collies